Bolt Cargo Space

I did some cargo tests today to see how much space the Bolt has for packing things. I am pretty pleased with the space. Scroll for photos at the end.

Test 1: Can I fit an 8' long pole or 2x4 board on the diagonal between the front seats with back seats folded flat?  
YES. In fact, it would just touch the front of the dash. If I wanted to go up on top of the dash and all the way to the windshield, I might just be able to fit in a 10' long board (it would be really close).

Test 2: Can I fit my backpacking pack and an oversized suitcase behind the back seats? 
YES, if I take out the false floor in the back. Then there was plenty of room to stand both upright behind the back seats. Due to the angle of the back seats, this left extra room behind them, but I found the space could be filled by a smaller laptop bag and even my carry-on suitcase if I turned it on its side.

Test 3: How many carry-on suitcases could I fit behind the back seats? 
Three, easily. Two stacked flat and one standing up. If I take out the false floor, I can also fit two standard carry-ons in lengthwise, meaning I could probably fit up to five carry-ons in the back and still carry five passengers.

Test 4: What fits under the floor board in the back?
Anything with a height of 8.5" or less. It's a great place to put grocery totes, a first aid kit, etc. that you always want to have in the car but want out of the way. To my surprise, even my older green carry-on (without an extension pocket) fit under the floor board! This is also a great place to hide a purse or bag "out of view" when traveling.

Test 5: Does my large cooler fit behind the back seats? 

Dimensions list: 
Back opening: approx. 26" tall x 39" (corners are rounded so may not be able to max dimensions)
Back seats flat: approx. 56" deep (from hatch to back of front seats) 
See last photo for more dimensions.
